Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Secret of Working at Home

Want to know a working at home tip so secret that I haven't even told my wife? Chores.

I've learned that chores are the secret to being productive in the home office.

Do you ever get stuck in a rut reading E-mail and surfing the Web? Do you ever draw a blank when you're trying to make progress on a creative project?

I realized that I needed a break in my day to get out of the Web surfing cycle. It had to be something I could do quickly that would take me away from the computer and hopeful give me a sense of accomplishment so that I could break out of the unproductive day doldrums. It turns out that small household chores are just the thing.

So when I get bogged down in the home office, I get up from my computer and empty the dishwasher, hang a picture, fix the broken doorknob, mow the lawn, vacuum the carpet, install a light fixture, fix the gate, take my daughter for a walk, or make a nice lunch.

If you work in an office, you can still benefit form this system. Try taking a walk around the building. Wash out those cups that pile up in the breakroom sink. Clean out your bottom drawer.

Taking breaks renews the creating juices. Chances are that when you come back to work you'll have a fresh perspective and end up getting more done than if you never got up from your chair.


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